Month 1

The baby is able to see and hear noises. The coordination of ocular globules appears. He continues to make frequent movements with his arms and legs, keeping his hands fist and clenched. If we place it lying on the tummy, we see that it makes an effort to raise its head. The child follows a bright object with eyes for a short time but has a high degree of myopia. Excited by acoustic sounds.

Month 2

Tends to raise his head if we put it in the tummy position, can turn his head in the direction of the voice, begins to smile in the direction of the mother.

Month 3

The baby holds its head up when it is placed in the tummy position and rotated by a sound source, recognizes the mother’s face and smiles at everyone. Grabs the items that are put in his hand holding them for a longer time. Stares at objects by following them with eyes and head movements.

Month 4

It starts to raise its head when it is in a position on its back and can return to the tummy in that position. Makes movements coordinated with appearance, emits voices and babbles. Reacts more quickly by turning his head from the stimulus with different sounds.

Month 5

The child gradually reveals his body, looks at the hands and feet, puts his hands in his mouth. Holds the feet on the ground for a short time when held in the armpits, in the abdominal position tends to rise. He knows his relatives well.

Month 6

The child begins to sit with support. In the tummy position, it makes crawling movements, shakes the toys, following their noises and accompanied by sounds. Distinguishes the faces of people close to strangers. It draws attention away from mostly bright colors. It is fun to play with people close to you.

Month 7-8

The child sits without support, says a syllable word, is interested in the objects that surround him, touches them, knows his mother and smiles at her, cries when strangers approach him. Crawls standing with hands and feet. He passes the toys from one hand to the other and bumps them into each other. He cries and laughs, babbles, tries to pronounce consonants.

Month 9-10

The child can stand up. Can walk a few steps holding on to one or 2 arms. It rises above the knees, turning in all directions when lying down.

Month 12-15

The child begins to walk, rises to his feet from a barking position, says words with 2 syllables, improves eyesight, recognizes the meaning of some words.

Month 18

Acts with a definite purpose, recognizes his identity, calls himself by name, says 6-8 words and makes combinations of figures. He walks safely, climbs stairs, plays with other children, knows and uses many words and connects simple sentences. It feeds itself, not always. Shows interest and looks carefully at book figures, uses pencil and draws irregular lines.

Month 24

Gains independence not only by moving and walking freely but also getting acquainted with the various rooms and furniture of the house. It enriches the vocabulary with new words and sentences, it can become curious and ask questions. Parents are much better acquainted with some tendencies that the child presents such as pleasure, dissatisfaction, stubbornness, obedience, etc.
