Developmental milestones record – 3 years

This article describes the skills and growth markers that are relevant to 3-year-olds.

Physical and motor milestones for a typical 3-year-old include:

  • Gains about 4 to 5 pounds (1.8 to 2.25 kilograms)
  • Grows about 2 to 3 inches (5 to 7.5 centimeters)
  • Reaches about half of his or her adult height
  • Has improved balance
  • Has improved vision (20/30)
  • Has all 20 primary teeth
  • Needs 11 to 13 hours of sleep a day
  • May have daytime control over bowel and bladder functions (may have nighttime control as well)
  • Can briefly balance and hop on one foot
  • May walk up stairs with alternating feet (without holding the rail)
  • Can build a block tower of more than 9 cubes
  • Can easily place small objects in a small opening
  • Can copy a circle
  • Can pedal a tricycle

Sensory, mental, and social milestones include:

  • Has a vocabulary of several hundred words
  • Speaks in sentences of 3 words
  • Counts 3 objects
  • Uses plurals and pronouns (he/she)
  • Often asks questions
  • Can dress self, only needing help with shoelaces, buttons, and other fasteners in awkward places
  • Can stay focused for a longer period of time
  • Has a longer attention span
  • Feeds self easily
  • Acts out social encounters through play activities
  • Becomes less afraid when separated from mother or caregiver for short periods of time
  • Fears imaginary things
  • Knows own name, age, and sex (boy/girl)
  • Starts to share
  • Has some cooperative play (building tower of blocks together)

At age 3, almost all of a child’s speech should be understandable.

Temper tantrums are common at this age. Children who have tantrums that often last for more than 15 minutes or that occur more than 3 times a day should be seen by a provider.

Ways to encourage a 3-year-old’s development include:

  • Provide a safe play area and constant supervision.
  • Provide the necessary space for physical activity.
  • Help your child take part in — and learn the rules of — sports and games.
  • Limit both the time and content of television and computer viewing.
  • Visit local areas of interest.
  • Encourage your child to help with small household chores, such as helping set the table or picking up toys.
  • Encourage play with other children to help develop social skills.
  • Encourage creative play.
  • Read together.
  • Encourage your child to learn by answering their questions.
  • Provide activities related to your child’s interests.
  • Encourage your child to use words to express feelings (rather than acting out).